Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Have a drink

Water treatment and storage is a subject commonly taken for granted due to modern plumbing and city industrial treatment facilities. therein lies the problem as well, a disruption in electricity means loss of water.

Unfortunately Salmonella  outbreaks occur every year in this country. This week flooding is devastating thousands of people along the Mississippi river. Fresh water will be critical for those people in the coming days and the Sarge knows the sad truth that very few had prepared in advance for such a disaster.

What will they do now, wait for FEMA to rescue them? Are you kidding me!

If you don't have a means to treat and store potable water your in a deadly situation! Forget about hostiles attacking you, three days without water you'll be begging for a bullet!

If you think wal-mart is your water storage solution stop reading this immediately and go back to smoking your crack pipe!

Both of these filters will fit into a small pack or cargo pocket.
They have replaceable filters 

The Sarge highly recommends either of these! The Katadyn Hiker 
pictured to the right runs about $60.00 and filters 200 gallons and the Frontier Pro pictured below around $25.00 and filters 50 gallons.
Both can be purchased through ""

More to Follow...... the Sarge is on duty!!!

1 comment:

  1. quick to the point. I like it. How much water would you recommend storing?
