Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The Sarge is back at H.Q. 

My intention was to brief you on water treatment and storage, however a recent conversation with someone about my multiple news sources made me wonder what are you doing to stay informed? or should I say are you doing anything?

With the amount of information available and ease at which it can be accessed, we are without excuse to be the most informed generation that ever lived. Sadly I believe we are merely the most distracted! 

I was scoffed at recently for reading several foreign news sites. Call the Sarge crazy if you want, but you can't say that I don't know what the people in foreign countries are being told from their news! 

Would it not be prudent to know what's going on outside the U.S.  and just as important what the people in these countries are being told about  the U.S.? 

All news has it's bias to be sure, but I find it easier to to glean through when viewed from multiple angles. Not every country has the freedom that we have to access uncensored news as we do, As well not every news agency in the world has the freedom to report uncensored news.

If we live in such a information rich age and we don't take advantage of it, then we most certainly deserve what awaits the foolish. We will be controlled by those whom seek only what's in their best intrest not ours!!! 

Take a few minutes each day and instead of seeking entertainment, seek information....  More to follow.    

The Sarge is on duty!

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